I – Legal notice
The wearesphora website (hereinafter the “Site”) is produced and edited by DOTCOM GROUP COMERCIO DE PRESENTES SA, headquartered in the city of São Paulo / SP, at Doutor Geraldo Campos Moreira Street, nº 240, 7th floor, set 71, Cidade Monções, Postal Code 04.571-020, registered with CNPJ / MF under nº 05.753.951/0001-55 and AVENUE HOCHE COMÉRCIO VAREJISTA DE PRODUTOS LTDA., Headquartered in the city of São Paulo / SP, at Doutor Geraldo Campos Moreira Street, nº 240, 11th floor, sets 111 and 112, Cidade Monções, Postal Code 04.571-0 registered with CNPJ / MF under nº15.048.124/0001-14 20, (together “Sephora,“ we” or “our”).
These Terms of Use apply to wearesephora website. These Terms are available for access at any time by the User, through the address: https://jobs.sephora.com/Brazil/?locale=pt_BR (term of use).
Furthermore, the provisions of the wearesephora Applicants Privacy Notice, available at: https://jobs.sephora.com/Brazil/?locale=pt_BR (privacy policy), apply to these Terms of Use and to the use of the website.
II - Terms of Use
Welcome to wearesephora, a website that allows you to discover the Sephora company and apply for job offers offered by Sephora.
The use of the Site implies the acceptance of these Terms of Use (hereafter « Terms of Use”).
In addition, these Terms may be updated, at any time, by Sephora, by means of a notice on the website and/or by email, if the User has opted to receive communications from Sephora.
Article 1 – Purpose
The purpose of the Site is to present Sephora's activity and news, as well as to allow the user to access Sephora's job offers and to allow him and the Sephora Group companies to access the application information of users who have created their accounts or applied for a job offer.
Article 2 – Access of the Site
2.1 Access to the Site is free and open to all. Access to certain sections of the Site may require the creation of a personal space.
2.2 The user is personally responsible for setting up the computer and telecommunications resources necessary to access the Site and the knowledge necessary for Internet use and access to the Site. The user shall bear the connection and equipment costs associated with Internet access and use of the Site.
2.3 Sephora strives to maintain the accessibility and availability of the Site at all times. However, Sephora cannot guarantee the accessibility and permanent availability of the Site. Sephora reserves the right to suspend access to the Site, in particular due to technical constraints.
Article 3 – User behavior
Each user must use the Internet responsibly and with respect and courtesy towards the rights of other Internet users.
As such, by accessing the Site, the user agrees not to:
- upload to the Site, post, email or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, immoral, invasive of another's privacy, hateful or derogatory or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive;
- upload to the Site, post, email or otherwise transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials, "advertising materials", "misleading information", "chain letters", or any other form of solicitation;
- upload to the Site, post, email or otherwise transmit any material containing software viruses or other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
- disrupt or interrupt the Site or servers or networks connected to the Site, or violate the requirements, procedures, rules or regulations of networks connected to the Site;
- attempt to damage the service of any user, host or network, including, without limitation, exposing the Site to a virus, creating a saturation, flooding the server, saturating the email message or falsifying any header of the TCP/IP protocol information packet or any part of the header information contained in any email;
- access data that is not intended for the Internet user or enter a server / account to which the Internet user is not authorized to have access;
- attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network, or to breach security or authentication measures without authorization;
- impersonate another person;
- engage in any activity or induce a third party to engage in any illegal activity or any other activity that would infringe the rights of Sephora, its partners, distributors, or any other Internet user;
- transmit or transfer (by any means whatsoever) information or software derived from the Site, in particular to other countries or to certain foreign nationals in violation of national or international laws or regulations.
By recognizing the global nature of the Internet network, each Internet user undertakes to comply with all local and international rules and procedures relating to online behaviour and acceptable content, and in particular with all applicable laws concerning the transmission of technical data.
At any time and for any reason, Sephora may use any means to terminate, without notice, your use of the Site or any of our services for any conduct that violates these T&Cs, without prejudice to any damages and interest that Sephora reserves the right to claim from you in the event of non-compliance with the Site's terms and conditions of use.
Article 4 – User Liability
4.1 The user must not interfere with or disrupt the functionality of the Site. The user is prohibited from accessing the Site by any other way than the interface provided to him by Sephora for this purpose. Access to the Site by any other way shall be deemed as unauthorized.
4.2 It is the user's responsibility to take all appropriate measures relating to the equipment used to protect it from possible contamination by computer virus or attempted intrusions. Equipment means, in particular, but not limited or exhaustive to: personal computer, PDA personal digital assistant, Internet access, software programs and data, etc.
4.3 By recognizing the global nature of the Internet network, each Internet user undertakes to comply with all local and international rules and procedures relating to online behavior and acceptable content, and in particular with all current laws concerning the transfer of technical data.
4.4 The user uses the Site on its own responsibility. Sephora cannot be liable for any kind of damage resulting from use not in accordance with the Terms of Use or for any damage that any third party may suffer as a result of such use. In addition, SEPHORA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY KIND OF POTENTIAL INDIRECT DAMAGES, REGARDLESS OF ITS CAUSE, ORIGIN, NATURE AND EFFECTS IN THIS INCLUDES, in particular, THE LOSSES OF PROFITS, OF CLIENTALS, DATA OR ANY OTHER LOSS OF INTANGIBLE PROPERTY THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE ACCESS TO THE PROFILER OR THE INABILITY TO ACCESS IT OR THE CREDIT GRANTED TO ANY INFORMATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ACQUIRED THROUGHT IT.
Article 5 – Intellectual Property
5.1 The Site and any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information as well as data protected by intellectual property law. Thus, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on the documents and any data of any nature contained in the Site and each of the elements composing the Site (images, illustrations, texts, graphic elements, charter...), including software and databases and those created for this site (hereinafter referred to as "Content") are the exclusive property of Sephora, which does not grant any license or any right other than that of consulting the site.
5.2 It is recalled that Sephora owns the Sephora brand and its logos.
5.3 The user acknowledges Sephora's exclusive rights to the Sephora brand and agrees not to infringe Sephora's intellectual property rights.
5.4 The reproduction of all or part of the Content is only authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited. It is also prohibited to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse the design or assembly or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except as provided by law), sell, assign, sub-license or transfer in any way any rights relating to all or part of the Content. Similarly, it is also prohibited to modify all or part of the Content, in particular the software or to use modified versions of the software and in particular (without this list being exhaustive) in order to obtain unauthorized access to the service and to access the Site by any means other than through the interface provided by Sephora for this purpose.
5.5 Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these trademarks, illustrations, images and logos, or any other Content for any reason and on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior written consent of Sephora or the owner of the intellectual property rights concerned, is strictly prohibited. The same applies to all copyrights, designs, patents appearing and/or used on the Site.
5.6 The Site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. To the extent that Sephora cannot control these external sites and sources, Sephora cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot assume any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other information or data available on or from these external sites or sources. In addition, Sephora may not be held liable for any proven or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in connection with the use of or reliance on the content, goods or services available on these external sites or sources.
Any creation of links to the Site, any framing of the Site, and more generally any use of any element composing the Site, is subject to the prior and express authorization of Sephora, which may be revoked at any time at its sole discretion. Sephora reserves the right to (i) request the removal of any link to the Site that has not been, or is no longer, authorized and (ii) claim damages for any damage suffered as a result.
Article 6 – Personal Data
Sephora processes personal data in the context of this Site. The provisions relating to the processing of this data are described in the "Personal Data Notice" of this Site.
Article 7 - Validity
In the event that one of the terms of these Terms of Use becomes null and void as a result of a change in the applicable legislation, regulation or a court ruling, the validity of the remaining Terms of Use will to be affected.
Article 8 - Applicable Law and competent jurisdiction
These Terms of Use shall be governed by the Federative Republic of Brazil law.
June 4th, 2020;